D is for Disappeared: Settler Colonialism and the Disappearing ‘Indian’
A few months ago, my daughter came home proud about having made some of her friends laugh. Apparently, she had said, in the context of... Read More
A is for Awakening: Coming to Understand Myself as a Settler
As with many White people in North America, I have spent most of my life trying to define myself by what I am not. I... Read More
C is for Colour-Blindness
I was talking to a friend the other day and he was asking me about the topic of my thesis. I told him it was... Read More
B is for Blackness, Blindness and Bulletin Boards
Every two weeks, students in my class work on learning how to spell a list of twenty French words. Every morning when they arrive in... Read More
E is for Erasure
For a ‘Kindness Counts’ display, my students and I were making a chain of paper dolls. Each student was responsible for coloring one doll as... Read More